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As the current years contribution may be incomplete please add a brief paragraph on these years activities and particularly note any significant developments from previous years. Include your most recent QA2 forms and statistics or summaries (e.g. ARQUE) regarding student evaluation of your modules. Evidence may also include feedback from mentors, feedback from course committees, staff-student consultations, peer review, feedback from external examiners. This information may be produced on a separate page/appendix if easier.5.2Highlight any particular contributions to the School/College through programme development and assessment, time tabling and examination procedures and general management of teaching. Also note the range of teaching contributions such as lectures, seminars, practical classes and field trips and work in continuing education and short courses. Note any relevant contributions in terms of Welsh language teaching and programme development, including collaborative teaching and supervision with other institutions (in Wales and further afield).5.3Evidence should include any innovative interventions such as: new ways of delivering complex information; using technology as a teaching aid; assessment practices; training activities; awards such as Teaching Fellow; contributions to short courses and links with industry/public sector; teaching outside the College; Securing teaching grants and contracts and funding for teaching-related projects in Welsh/English; Interdisciplinary teaching and Inter-institutional teaching. Provide examples of contributions to the pedagogy of the subject area/professional practice and scholarship related to learning and teaching such as publications in education and production of teaching texts.5.4 Provide a brief outline of your contribution in this area. RESEARCH6.1 Provide a brief outline of your current research activity.6.2Place all your publications in chronological order and in each category following the appropriate referencing style for your academic field. Please grade each publication listed using the classification system given below (A/B/C/D). It may benefit your submission to include data on journal impact factors and citation metrics where these are widely used in your field. Please only include the areas of research output that are relevant. Commissioned research projects will be accepted as evidence of research activity. Please note if these have been accepted or are under review. Please note if the journal is academic, professional or popular. Where possible, candidates should apply the following classification system for each publication listed: (A) A publication which is recognised as a major contribution to a subject either in breaking new ground or as a definitive study. A widely quoted review of the subject. This is equivalent to three star or above in REF terms. Outstanding papers can be designated A+. (B) A paper in a major journal containing substantial new empirical/theoretical material or a new interpretation and/or analysis. Possibly part of a series of studies making a substantial whole. This is equivalent to two star or above in REF terms. (C) A paper containing major modifications of technique, or the extension of an application which may include additional and useful but minor accumulation of data, a brief clarification of, or comments on other work. A substantial book review which carries a topic or issue a stage further. (D) A preliminary communication, ephemera, conference abstract, purely expository articles, journal editorial or a book review (other than a brief notice). The sources of information (depending on your subject area) can include: PUBLICATIONS: Books, monographs, edited works, book and chapter contributions; Journal or letter articles (please note if the journal is academic, professional or popular); Contributions to published conference proceedings. Please state if you are an editor or referee for any learned journals or publishers CONFERENCE CONTRIBUTIONS: Presentations at and/or organisation of conferences. SUBJECT-SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Departmental/Research Working Papers, official Reports (note whether published or unpublished but public), exhibitions, commissions, performance, engineering designs, translations, audio-visual material, computer software/language, musical compositions, scores and scripts. 6.3Include details of all funding applied for within the last three years indicating outcome. Research funding, broken down year by year should indicate the role of the applicant within group funded research. Outline of commercial activity includes KTP activity, exploitation of IP, patents etc. Research and funding awards for postgraduate researchers in your field (e.g. AHRC/ESRC and Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol studentships).6.4Note all non-taught post-graduate students that you have supervised and are currently supervising. Please note the level at which you have supervised, e.g. Masters/PhD.6.5Note what responsibilities you have held in the last three years in terms of leading a research group and note level of involvement and scale or responsibility. Also note contribution in terms of formal and informal mentorship within the School/University.WIDER CONTRIBUTION TO THE UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY (LOCAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL)7Note the nature and level of contribution of specific roles you have undertaken to support the effective management of the University and to support students. Please outline your role and responsibilities for the current academic year together with a summary (in chronological order) of contributions in previous years. Examples include: School Course Director, UCAS/Admissions Officer, Year Tutor, Module Co-ordinator, Senior Tutor, involvement in the admissions process, organisation of examinations, timetabling, contribution to student recruitment and to accreditation/QA procedures. College Member of College Research Committee/Teaching and Learning Committee, Teaching Co-ordinator. University Member of Senate, membership of committees and task groups. Trades Union activity note any current and recent amin union role(s). External external examination duties in other Colleges/Universities, conference organisation, professional service to other organisations, membership of Government enquiries, national organisations, commissions or committees, services to the local community and voluntary bodies/public authorities serving the needs of the locality.CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT8.1Note conferences and research seminars attended and presented. Include CPD activity undertaken internally (e.g. research related, learning and teaching and management and leadership courses and programmes). 8.3Please outline the outcomes of your sabbatical/study leave and any particular successes/contributions that were achieved as a result of the study leave. What were the objectives of the study leave and were they achieved?8.4Please note membership of any professional and learned societies, membership of professional groups relating to teaching etc.Please note that a recent agreed Performance Development Review Scheme statement may also be submitted as a supplement.OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION 9Include any information that has not been referred to previously that is relevant to your application.Submit the form to the Head of School and Dean of College to verify the accuracy of the CV.      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